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Binary Ninja Intermediate Language Series, Part 3: High Level IL

Binary Ninja Intermediate Language: High Level IL

The High Level Intermediate Language (HLIL) is Binary Ninja's decompiler output. Much like LLIL and MLIL, this representation is tree based and has many of the same instructions. This representation is distinct in a few key ways.

BNIL-HLIL Selected

  1. High level language concepts are recovered.
  2. Expressions are folded

Purposes of HLIL

  • Simplified representation
  • Small discrete operations
  • Enables source-level forms of queries and analysis

In the rest of this article we will explore the instruction set.

The Instruction Set

The instruction set is made up of HighLevelILInstruction objects. Let's start exploring by using the python console to poke around at some instructions. Open up a binary in Binary Ninja and retrieve an HLIL instruction:+

>>> current_il_instruction
<HighLevelILVarInit: uint64_t rax_2 = zx.q(rax_1 - 0x6c)>
>>> type(current_il_instruction)
<class 'binaryninja.highlevelil.HighLevelILVarInit'>

current_il_instruction is mapped to whatever il instruction is currently selected viewed and is not generally available to those writing plugins or scripts. You can see a full list of our magic variables here.

There are a number of properties that can be queried on the HighLevelILInstruction object, and the validity of these properties changes depending on what the current operation is. The properties in HLIL are extremely similar to those in MLIL, with one notable exception being that HLIL_CALL instruction objects do not have a .output property, but instead HLIL_CALLs that have return values will be the inst.right of a HighLevelILVarInit, HighLevelILVarAssign, or similar.

Control Flow

  • HLIL_JUMP - Branch to the dest expression's address
  • HLIL_CALL - Branch to the dest expression function, saving the return address, with the list of parameters params
  • HLIL_RET - Return to the calling function.
  • HLIL_NORET - This instruction will never be executed, the instruction before it is a call that doesn't return
  • HLIL_IF - Branch to the true/false HLIL instruction identifier depending on the result of the condition expression
  • HLIL_GOTO - Branch to the dest expression id
  • HLIL_TAILCALL - This instruction calls the expression dest using params as input and output for return values not exist
  • HLIL_SYSCALL - Make a system/service call with parameters params and output output
  • HLIL_FOR -

Variable Reads and Writes

  • HLIL_VAR_DECLARE - A declaration of var
  • HLIL_VAR_INIT - Initializes dest to the result of an expression src
  • HLIL_ASSIGN - Sets a variable dest to the result of an expression src
  • HLIL_VAR - A variable expression src
  • HLIL_VAR_PHI - A PHI represents the combination of several prior versions of a variable when differnet basic blocks coalesce into a single destination and it's unknown which path was taken.
  • HLIL_MEM_PHI - A memory PHI represents memory modifications that could have occured down different source basic blocks similar to a VAR_PHI.
  • HLIL_ADDRESS_OF - The address of variable src
  • HLIL_CONST - A constant integral value constant
  • HLIL_CONST_DATA - A constant data reference constant data reference
  • HLIL_CONST_PTR - A constant integral value which is used as a pointer constant
  • HLIL_EXTERN_PTR - A symbolic pointer constant + offset to a symbol that exists outside the binary
  • HLIL_FLOAT_CONST - A floating point constant constant
  • HLIL_IMPORT - A constant integral value representing an imported address
  • HLIL_LOW_PART - size bytes from the low end of src expression
  • HLIL_SPLIT - A split pair of variables high:low which can be used a single expression
  • HLIL_DEREF - Dereferences src

Arithmetic Operations

  • HLIL_ADD - Adds left expression to right expression
  • HLIL_ADC - Adds with carry the left expression to the right expression with carry from the carry expression
  • HLIL_SUB - Subtracts the right expression from the left expression
  • HLIL_SBB - Subtraction with borrow the right expression from the left expression with carry from the carry expression
  • HLIL_AND - Bitwise AND left expression with the right expression
  • HLIL_OR - Bitwise OR left expression with the right expression
  • HLIL_XOR - Bitwise XOR left expression with the right expression
  • HLIL_LSL - Logical shift left the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • HLIL_LSR - Logical shift right the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • HLIL_ASR - Arithmetic shift right the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • HLIL_ROL - Rotate left the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • HLIL_RLC - Rotate left with carry the left expression and the carry expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • HLIL_ROR - Rotate right the left expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • HLIL_RRC - Rotate right with carry the left expression and the carry expression by the number of bits stored in the right expression
  • HLIL_MUL - Single-precision multiply the left expression with the right expression
  • HLIL_MULU_DP - Double-precision unsigned multiply the left expression with the right expression, result expression is twice the size of the input expressions
  • HLIL_MULS_DP - Double-precision signed multiply the left expression with the right expression, result expression is twice the size of the input expressions
  • HLIL_DIVU - Unsigned single-precision divide left expression by the right expression
  • HLIL_DIVU_DP - Unsigned double-precision divide left expression by the right expression
  • HLIL_DIVS - Signed single-precision divide left expression by the right expression
  • HLIL_DIVS_DP - Signed double-precision divide left expression by the right expression
  • HLIL_MODU - Unsigned single-precision modulus of left expression by the right expression
  • HLIL_MODU_DP - Unsigned double-precision modulus of left expression by the right expression
  • HLIL_MODS - Signed single-precision modulus of left expression by the right expression
  • HLIL_MODS_DP - Signed double-precision modulus of left expression by the right expression
  • HLIL_NEG - Sign inversion of src expression
  • HLIL_NOT - Bitwise inversion of src expression
  • HLIL_FADD - IEEE754 floating point addition of left expression with right expression
  • HLIL_FSUB - IEEE754 floating point subtraction of left expression with right expression
  • HLIL_FMUL - IEEE754 floating point multiplication of left expression with right expression
  • HLIL_FDIV - IEEE754 floating point division of left expression with right expression
  • HLIL_FSQRT - IEEE754 floating point square root of left expression with right expression
  • HLIL_FNEG - IEEE754 floating point sign negation of src expression
  • HLIL_FABS - IEEE754 floating point absolute value of src expression
  • HLIL_FLOAT_TO_INT - IEEE754 floating point to integer conversion of src expression
  • HLIL_INT_TO_FLOAT - Integer to IEEE754 floating point conversion of src expression
  • HLIL_FLOAT_CONV - Convert bytes in src expression to IEEE754 floating point
  • HLIL_ROUND_TO_INT - Rounds the IEEE754 floating point number src expression
  • HLIL_FLOOR - Computes the floating point floor of the IEEE754 number in src
  • HLIL_CEIL - Computes the floating point floor of the IEEE754 number in src
  • HLIL_FTRUNC - Computes the floating point truncation of the IEEE754 number in src
  • HLIL_SX - Sign extends the src expression
  • HLIL_ZX - Zero extends the src expression
  • HLIL_ADD_OVERFLOW - Calculates overflow of the addition of left expression with right expression
  • HLIL_BOOL_TO_INT - Converts a bool src to an integer

Comparison Instructions

  • HLIL_CMP_E - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is equal to right
  • HLIL_CMP_NE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is not equal to right
  • HLIL_CMP_SLT - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is signed less than right
  • HLIL_CMP_ULT - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is unsigned less than right
  • HLIL_CMP_SLE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is signed less than or equal to right
  • HLIL_CMP_ULE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is unsigned less than or equal to right
  • HLIL_CMP_SGE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is signed greater than or equal to right
  • HLIL_CMP_UGE - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is unsigned greater than or equal to right
  • HLIL_CMP_SGT - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is signed greater than right
  • HLIL_CMP_UGT - Compare expression evaluates to true if left expression is unsigned greater than right
  • HLIL_TEST_BIT - Test if bit right in expression left is set
  • HLIL_FCMP_E - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is equal to right
  • HLIL_FCMP_NE - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is not equal to right
  • HLIL_FCMP_LT - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is less than right
  • HLIL_FCMP_LE - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is less than or equal to right
  • HLIL_FCMP_GE - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is greater than or equal to right
  • HLIL_FCMP_GT - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if left expression is greater than right
  • HLIL_FCMP_O - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if both left and right expressions are ordered (not NaN)
  • HLIL_FCMP_UO - Floating point compare expressions - evaluates to true if either left or right expression is unordered (NaN)

Miscellaneous Instructions

  • HLIL_NOP - No operation
  • HLIL_BP - Breakpoint instruction
  • HLIL_TRAP - Interrupt/trap instruction with vector expression
  • HLIL_INTRINSIC - Intrinsic instruction defined by the architecture
  • HLIL_UNDEF - The expression performs undefined behavior
  • HLIL_UNIMPL - The expression is not implemented
  • HLIL_UNIMPL_MEM - The expression is not implemented but does access src memory