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Creating Themes

User themes are loaded from JSON files (with the .bntheme extension) found in the themes or community-themes (consider cloning the community themes repo) subdirectories of your user folder. The default, full path to these folders is the following on each supported platform:

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/{themes,community-themes}
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Binary Ninja\{themes,community-themes}
  • Linux: ~/.binaryninja/{themes,community-themes}

To get started, create a new .bntheme file in the themes folder for your platform. You may want to copy one of the example themes to start with to avoid lots of "missing required color" errors.

Theme File Structure

Theme files have the following top-level structure:

  "name": "Example Theme",
  "style": "Fusion",
  "styleSheet": "...",
  "colors": { ... },
  "palette": { ... },
  "disabledPalette": { ... },
  "theme-colors": { ... }


The name key controls the theme's display name in the UI. This key must be unique. There cannot be multiple themes with the same name.


The style key specifies which Qt style to use for the UI controls. This key should almost always be set to "Fusion".


The styleSheet key can be used to customize the Qt style above with a stylesheet in Qt CSS syntax, like so:

  "styleSheet": "QWidget { border-radius: 0; }"

If you need to determine what a specific control's class is in order to style it, you can use the ui.uiDeveloperTools setting to enable the Widget Inspector.


The colors key allows you (the theme author) to define color aliases to be used throughout the rest of the theme file. For example, the following sets up two color aliases, red and blue:

  "colors": {
    "red": "#ff0000",
    "blue": [0, 0, 255]

Colors can be specified as hex strings or as an [R, G, B] array.

Blending Functions

In addition to color aliases, the theming engine provides the ability to blend colors by passing an array of blending functions and arguments in prefix notation in place of a color. We provide two blending functions: average ("+") and mix ("~"), as seen in the example below:

  "colors": {
    "red": "#ff0000",
    "blue": [0, 0, 255],
    "purple": ["+", "red", "blue"],
    "yellow": "#ffff00",
    "white": [255, 255, 255],
    "slightPink": ["~", "white", "red", 20],
    "quitePink":  ["~", "white", "red", 200],
    "slightlyPinkYellow": ["+", "~", "white", "red", 20, "yellow"]

In this example, red and blue are averaged (+) to create purple. Colors can also be mixed (~), in a weighted manner, like the slightPink and quitePink colors (which mix red into white using two different weights, specified by the integers at the end of the array). These blending functions can also be chained together, like in the slightlyPinkYellow color, which mixes some red into white and then averages the result with yellow.


The palette key is the primary interface for theming Qt UI elements and enables customization of the main QPalette color roles. The following sub-keys are required for all themes:

  "palette": {
    "Window": "...",
    "WindowText": "...",
    "Base": "...",
    "AlternateBase": "...",
    "ToolTipBase": "...",
    "ToolTipText": "...",
    "Text": "...",
    "Button": "...",
    "ButtonText": "...",
    "BrightText": "...",
    "Link": "...",
    "LinkVisited": "...",
    "Highlight": "...",
    "HighlightedText": "...",
    "Light": "..."

The PlaceholderText sub-key is currently not themeable and will be automatically set to the "disabled" Text value specified below.

Disabled Palette

The disabledPalette key matches the palette key above, but specifies colors to use for disabled controls instead. While not required, providing entries for the Button, ButtonText, Text, WindowText, and ToolTipText roles is highly recommended.

Theme Colors

The theme-colors key contains the rest of a theme's settings. These colors are typically used for custom controls or contexts specific to Binary Ninja itself (which is why they are separate from the Qt colors controlled via the palette and disabledPalette keys above).

Colors marked "required" must be specified. Unmarked colors will hold default values based upon other colors you have chosen, but will be overridden if specified.


Tokens Theme Diagram

  1. addressColor (required) - Used to color memory address tokens (e.g. 0x100003c5b)
  2. registerColor (required) - Used to color register names (e.g. rax)
  3. numberColor (required) - Used to color number literals (e.g. 0xf0)
  4. codeSymbolColor (required) - Used to color local function names (e.g. sub_100003c50)
  5. dataSymbolColor (required) - Used to color data symbols (e.g. data_100003e2c)
  6. stackVariableColor (required) - Used to color stack variables (e.g var_8) in disassembly and LLIL (the stack does not exist in MLIL and above)
  7. importColor (required) - Used to color imported function names (e.g. printf)
  8. annotationColor (required) - Used to color annotations (e.g. hints), not shown in picture above
  9. commentColor - Used to color code comments
  10. opcodeColor (required) - Used to color instruction opcodes (e.g. ebfe)
  11. stringColor (required) - Used to color string literals (e.g. "Hello, world!")
  12. typeNameColor (required) - Used to color user-defined type names (e.g. my_struct)
  13. fieldNameColor (required) - Used to color structure member names
  14. keywordColor (required) - Used to color keywords (e.g. for in HLIL)
  15. uncertainColor (required) - Used to color uncertain data (e.g. variable types with low confidence)
  16. exportColor - Used to color exported symbols, not shown in picture above
  17. nameSpaceColor - Used to color a namespace, not shown in picture above
  18. nameSpaceSeparatorColor - Used to color the separator between a namespace and the rest of the symbol, not shown in picture above
  19. operationColor - Used to color operations such as +, @, &, etc.
  20. gotoLabelColor - Used to color a goto's label, not shown in picture above
  21. tokenSelectionColor - Used to draw the background of tokens selected with click-and-drag
  22. outlineColor (required) - Used to draw a box around tokens selected with click-and-drag
  23. tokenHighlightColor (required) - Used to color the background of a token that has been selected with a single click or an arrow key
  24. instructionHighlightColor (required) - Used to color the background of an instruction that has been selected with a single click or an arrow key
  25. relatedInstructionHighlightColor - Used to color the background of instructions related to an instruction that has been selected with a single click or an arrow key

The following colors are used for the Rainbow Braces setting (ui.rainbowBraces):

  1. braceOption1Color - Defaults to blueStandardHighlightColor
  2. braceOption2Color - Defaults to orangeStandardHighlightColor
  3. braceOption3Color - Defaults to greenStandardHighlightColor
  4. braceOption4Color - Defaults to redStandardHighlightColor
  5. braceOption5Color - Defaults to yellowStandardHighlightColor
  6. braceOption6Color - Defaults to magentaStandardHighlightColor

Hex View

Hex View Theme Diagram

Each byte in hex view is given a background color based on its value. Values between 0x00 and 0xFF will use a color interpolated between the Dark and Light colors specified below.

  1. alphanumericHighlightColor (required) - Used to color bytes that are alphanumeric characters if Color Highlight/ASCII and Printable is enabled in view options (default)
  2. printableHighlightColor (required) - Used to color bytes that are non-alphanumeric printable characters if Color Highlight/ASCII and Printable is enabled in view options (default)
  3. modifiedColor (required) - Used to color bytes that have been modified if Color Highlight/Modification is enabled in view options
  4. insertedColor (required) - Used to color bytes that have been inserted if Color Highlight/Modification is enabled in view options
  5. notPresentColor (required) - Used to color bytes that do not have a value
  6. backgroundHighlightDarkColor (required) - Used as the background color for bytes of value 0x00 if Contrast/Normal is enabled in view options (default)
  7. backgroundHighlightLightColor (required) - Used as the background color for bytes of value 0xFF if Contrast/Normal is enabled in view options (default)
  8. boldBackgroundHighlightDarkColor (required) - Used as the background color for bytes of value 0x00 if Contrast/High is enabled in view options
  9. boldBackgroundHighlightLightColor (required) - Used as the background color for bytes of value 0xFF if Contrast/High is enabled in view options
  10. selectionColor (required) - Used as the background color on any bytes that have been selected via click-and-drag

Linear View

Linear View Theme Diagram

  1. linearDisassemblyFunctionHeaderColor (required) - Used as the background for function headers in linear view
  2. linearDisassemblyBlockColor (required) - Used as the background for function bodies in linear view
  3. linearDisassemblyNoteColor (required) - Used as the background color for note blocks in linear view, such as the info block found at the start of linear view
  4. linearDisassemblySeparatorColor (required) - Used as the separator/border color between major elements in linear view
  5. indentationLineColor - Used to color the indentation line, not shown in picture above
  6. indentationLineHighlightColor - Used to highlight the indentation line (such as when selecting it), not shown in picture above

Graph View

Graph View Theme Diagram

Both the graph background and individual graph nodes are actually painted as a gradient. To get a flat background instead, set the Dark and Light colors to the same color value.

  1. graphBackgroundDarkColor (required) - Used as the bottom-right gradient stop in the graph view background
  2. graphBackgroundLightColor (required) - Used as the upper-left gradient stop in the graph view background
  3. graphNodeDarkColor (required) - Used as the bottom gradient stop in graph node backgrounds
  4. graphNodeLightColor (required) - Used as the upper gradient stop in graph node backgrounds
  5. graphNodeOutlineColor (required) - Used to color the border of graph nodes with no indicator
  6. graphNodeShadowColor
  7. graphEntryNodeIndicatorColor
  8. graphExitNodeIndicatorColor
  9. graphExitNoreturnNodeIndicatorColor
  10. trueBranchColor (required) - Used to color branches taken when a comparison is true
  11. falseBranchColor (required) - Used to color branches taken when a comparison is false
  12. unconditionalBranchColor (required) - Used to color branches that are always taken
  13. altTrueBranchColor (required) - Used instead of trueBranchColor when color-blind mode is enabled
  14. altFalseBranchColor (required) - Used instead of falseBranchColor when color-blind mode is enabled
  15. altUnconditionalBranchColor (required) - Used instead of unconditionalBranchColor when color-blind mode is enabled


Highlighting Theme Diagram

  1. blackStandardHighlightColor (required)
  2. blueStandardHighlightColor (required)
  3. cyanStandardHighlightColor (required)
  4. greenStandardHighlightColor (required)
  5. magentaStandardHighlightColor (required)
  6. orangeStandardHighlightColor (required)
  7. redStandardHighlightColor (required)
  8. whiteStandardHighlightColor (required)
  9. yellowStandardHighlightColor (required)

Tab Bar

  1. tabBarTabActiveColor - Used to color the background of the currently active tab
  2. tabBarTabHoverColor - Used to color the background of any tab the mouse is currently hovering over
  3. tabBarTabInactiveColor - Used to color the background of any inactive tab
  4. tabBarTabBorderColor - Used to draw the border around the currently active tab
  5. tabBarTabGlowColor - Used to draw a glow or shadow around the border of the currently active tab

Feature Map

  1. featureMapBaseColor - Used to color the background
  2. featureMapNavLineColor - Used to color the line(s) that represent where you are in the binary
  3. featureMapNavHighlightColor - Used as a highlight outside of the navigation line(s)
  4. featureMapDataVariableColor - Used to highlight any area containing data variables
  5. featureMapAsciiStringColor - Used to highlight any area containing ASCII strings
  6. featureMapUnicodeStringColor - Used to highlight any area containing Unicode strings
  7. featureMapFunctionColor - Used to highlight any area containing functions
  8. featureMapImportColor - Used to highlight any area containing imported functions that are not from a library (see below)
  9. featureMapExternColor - Used to highlight any area containing symbols that are externs
  10. featureMapLibraryColor - Used to highlight any area containing symbolic functions or functions that are imported from a library
  1. sidebarBackgroundColor
  2. sidebarInactiveIconColor
  3. sidebarActiveIconColor
  4. sidebarHeaderBackgroundColor
  5. sidebarHeaderTextColor
  6. sidebarWidgetBackgroundColor


Mini-Graph Theme Diagram

  1. miniGraphOverlayColor - Used to color the area of the mini graph that is currently being displayed in graph view

Script Console

Console Theme Diagram

  1. scriptConsoleOutputColor - Used to color normal output in the console
  2. scriptConsoleWarningColor - Used to color warnings in the console
  3. scriptConsoleErrorColor - Used to color errors in the console
  4. scriptConsoleEchoColor - Used to color user input in the console


Panes Theme Diagram

The image above shows an active pane on the left and an inactive pane on the right.

  1. activePaneBackgroundColor - Used to color the background of a pane that is active
  2. inactivePaneBackgroundColor - Used to color the background of a pane that is inactive

Status Bar

Status Bar Theme Diagram

The image above shows the Enterprise button in the "connected" state (connected to a server named "dev") with an open project (named "Alex's Stuff").

  1. statusBarServerConnectedColor - Used for the Enterprise button while connected to a server
  2. statusBarServerDisconnectedColor - Used for the Enterprise button while disconnected from a server
  3. statusBarServerWarningColor - Used for the Enterprise button when there is an issue with the server connection
  4. statusBarProjectColor - Used for the Project button